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Papercut: Negative Balance

Why would a Student have a Negative Balance?

Papercut will allow a student to go one copy or more into the negative when copying.  This will result in a negative balance in Papercut. The amount that they go into the negative will depend on what they were copying at the time. e.g. If the patron is copying in colour  on ledger size and runs out of funds in their Papercut account, the one copy into the negative will be $0.45.

If there is an outstanding negative balance in Papercut, when funds are deposited into the student's account, Papercut will apply the appropriate amount from the deposit to cover the outstanding balance and then add the remaining funds to their account.

For example: If a student deposits $5.00 on their account and they owe $0.05, then their balance, after the deposit will only be $4.95.

To confirm that a negative balance is due to this situation you can:

  1. Go to Papercut Admin.
  2. Tap the Student's card or type their student number in the Quick Find field.
  3. On the menu under User Details: [name] click on Transaction History.
  4. Look through resulting list of Transactions for the transaction that has put the student into the negative.

Note: If the transaction does not automatically display see Viewing Past Transaction History.

  1. In the Transaction Type field next to the negative transaction, hover over the Printer Usage link.
  2. If the patron had been copying, and went over the amount left on their account the pop up box box will show Document: [copying].
  3. If it shows something other than Document: [copying] let the Library Resources Technician know.

What to do if a Guest Card has a Negative Balance

Papercut will allow a Guest card to go one copy or more into the negative when copying.  This will result in a negative balance in Papercut. The amount that they go into the negative will depend on what they were copying at the time. e.g. If the patron is copying in colour  on ledger size and runs out of funds in their Papercut account, the one copy into the negative will be $0.45.

If there is an outstanding negative balance in Papercut on a Guest card when it is returned to the Service Counter, and the patron has already left so cannot be asked to pay the outstanding balance:

  1. Go to Papercut Admin.
  2. Tap the Guest card in the Quick Find field.
  3. Scroll down to the Account Details section.
  4. Next to the Balance field click on adjust.
  5. In the Adjustment to apply field:
    • Remove the dollar sign.
    • Enter the amount required to bring the balance to $0.00.
  6. Click on Apply.