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Papercut: Employees

Employees who are also Students

Employee cards must be assigned to the person's Employee (username) account in PaperCut.

Student cards must be assigned to the person's Student (student number) account in PaperCut.

NEVER edit a PaperCut account status e.g. from Personal account to a Shared account. Library staff are not authorized to make this change. Refer the patron to IT if their account status is incorrect.

For full procedures on issuing Student cards to Employees see: Employees who are also Students

KPU Card Door Access

Whose KPU Cards May Include Door Access?

  • Employees
  • Design students for access to the Wilson School of Design Building
  • Students in specific courses who need access to particular rooms or buildings

All others do not get door access with their KPU Card.


I'm one of the people listed above, why doesn't my KPU Card open doors?

For one of the people listed above to have door access via their KPU Card:

  • the card must be linked in PaperCut
  • the KPU Card was issued at least the day before (the load to update door access happens overnight)

if the patron does not have the door access to which they are entitled, check to make sure the person's card is linked in Papercut.

  1. Login to Papercut Admin.
  2. In the Quick Find field, enter the student number or if an employee enter the user id e.g. rmullane and press Enter.
    • To search by name type the student's first name/last name and a list of all the people in Papercut with that name will come up,  press Enter.
    • Click on the appropriate name in the list.
  3. In the User Details window, check to make sure the correct record has come up.
  4. Scroll down to the Card/Identity Number section.
  5. Check that there is a tap code recorded in the Secondary field.
    • No tap code? Tap the card on the Wave ID reader.
    • If there is already a tap code listed in this field:
      • Make note of the code in this field e.g. Use Snipping Tool, Print Screen, or copy and paste into a Wordpad file.
      • Tap the card that the patron has in hand on the Wave ID reader.
      • Repeat steps 2-4 and compare the current tap code to the previous tap code.
  6. If the tap code was missing or if the tap code in Papercut was different from the card in hand, let the patron know that their record has been updated and the granting of door access to the card will take place overnight.
  7. If the code on the card and in Papercut were the same and the card was issued before today:
    • Employees: Tell the person to ask their Dean to contact Mark Bayrock.  As the Manager of Security Systems, Mark can grant door access. 
    • Design Students: Tell them to contact
    • Other Students: Tell them to contact their instructor, the instructor may need to contact Mark Bayrock.
  8. If there is an immediate need for door access the person can contact Security to let them in.

NOTE:  The Library card issuance process does not control/include the assignment of door access, so issuing a new card will not resolve the issue.

Assigning an Employee Card in PaperCut

In Papercut Admin:

  1. In the Quick Find field:
    • Do not search by Banner ID.
    • Type the employee's first name/last name and a list of all the people with that name will come up, press Enter.
    • Click on the appropriate username in the list e.g. rmullane.
      • If the person has more than one entry e.g. Banner ID and a username, the employee card must be linked to the username account.
    • Not found?  Ask if they are a new employee. If they are a new employee see New Employee record not in Papercut.
  2. In the User Details window, check to make sure the correct employee record has come up.
  3. Ensure that the Print account selection field reads Automatically charge to a single shared account and that the Charge to account field includes a departmental code.
    • If the Print account selection field reads Automatically charge to a personal account follow the procedures under Papercut/TroubleshootingNEVER manually change the Print account selection field.
    • Note: If an employee has changed departments, but that information is not yet uploaded to Papercut, refer the person to IT. NEVER manually change the employee's department information.
  4. Scroll down to the Card/Identity Numbers section.
  5. Place the cursor in the Secondary field.
  6. Tap the card on the Wave ID reader. The card is automatically linked and is ready for use.
  7. Click on the x next to the Quick Find field to remove the previous search.
  8. Link card in Workflows.