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Papercut: Troubleshooting


Note: It is possible that an Employee will show as active in Banner, OneCard and Workflows but Dormant in Papercut.

For Employees:

  • The Print Account Selection field should read Automatically charge to a single shared account unless the employee is Dormant (see explanation of Dormant below).
  • The Charge to account field should list the department that will be charged.

If the Print Account Selection field reads Automatically charge to a personal account:

  1. Assign the card in Papercut.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the Group Membership section.
  3. If you see a D-code listed e.g. or the word Dormant listed it means that the employee's Papercut status is currently dormant.
    • Advise the employee that in order for them to print they will have to personally add money to their Papercut account either online or at the Service Counter.
    • If the employee has concerns about their Papercut status e.g. feel it should be charged to their Department, then they must contact the Manager of their department.  Their Departmental Manager will have to contact IT to authorize departmental charges.
    • NEVER manually change the Account Selection section from personal to shared. The Library is not authorized to make this change.
  4. If you see a code(s) but there is no D in front of it:
    • Their departmental account information has not been properly added into Papercut. Refer the person to the IT helpdesk.

Reasons why a person's KPU Card might not be working with Papercut.

  • They may no longer be a valid employee or student.
    • Check expiry date in Banner.
  • For an employee, they may only have a Personal account in Papercut, not a Departmental account, and that would mean that personal funds have to be added to the account.
  • The card was not properly linked in Papercut.  Try linking the card in Papercut again.

Note: Do not scan the KPU barcode into Papercut. The barcode scanner is never used in Papercut.

If the card still does not work, issue a replacement card.

If the card still doesn't work, refer the person to IT.

It can take up to 2 days for a new employee's record to be added to Papercut.  If they are not in Papercut but are in Workflows, OneCard and/or Banner with an Employee record:

  1. Go ahead and make their card.
  2. Let the employee know their record has not yet been loaded into Papercut and therefore they will not be able to print or copy yet.
  3. Ask them to come back in a few days to have their card linked to Papercut.

The Department for which the Research Assistant works will decide whether they should be granted Papercut access.  Not all Research Assistants will be given a Papercut Account.

If a Papercut account has been created for the Research Assistant it can take up to 2 days for it to be added to Papercut. 

If they are in OneCard and/or Workflows:

  1. Go ahead and make their card.
  2. Let the Research Assistant know their record has not yet been loaded into Papercut and therefore they will not be able to print or copy.
  3. Ask them to come back in a few days to have their card linked to Papercut.
  4. If they still don't have a Papercut record after a few days, they will need to speak to their Department.

It can take up to 2 days for a new student's record to be added to Papercut.  If they are not in Papercut but are in Workflows, OneCard and/or Banner with a Student record:

  1. Go ahead and make their card.
  2. Let the student know their record has not yet been loaded into Papercut and therefore they will not be able to print or copy yet.

Note: In the interim they can login to the Guest stations and use the Guest Print cards.

  1. Ask them to come back in a few days to have their card linked to Papercut.
  2. If they are still not in Papercut, refer them to IT.

IT will not create generic Papercut accounts for departments.  If the requestor has concerns they should contact IT directly.

Papercut will allow a student to go "one copy" into the negative when copying.  This will result in a negative balance in Papercut. The amount that they go into the negative will depend on what they were copying at the time. e.g. If the patron is copying in colour  on ledger size and runs out of funds in their Papercut account, the one copy into the negative will be $0.45.

If there is an outstanding negative balance in Papercut, when funds are deposited into the student's account, Papercut will apply the appropriate amount from the deposit to cover the outstanding balance and then add the remaining funds to their account.

For example: If a student deposits $5.00 on their account and they owe $0.05, then their balance, after the deposit will only be $4.95.

To confirm that a negative balance is due to this situation you can:

  1. Go to Papercut Admin.
  2. Tap the Student's card or type their student number in the Quick Find field.
  3. On the menu under User Details: [name], click on Transaction History.
  4. Look through resulting list of Transactions for the transaction that has put the student into the negative.

Note: If the transaction does not automatically display see Viewing Past Transaction History.

  1. In the Transaction Type field next to the negative transaction, hover over the Printer Usage link.
  2. If the patron had been copying, and went over the amount left on their account the pop up box box will show Document: [copying].
  3. If it shows something other than Document: [copying] let the Library Resources Technician know.