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Papercut: No Printers or Incorrect Printers

Students - No Printers Available QUICK FIX

If after logging in a student doesn't have access to any printers:

  1. After saving their work, have the student click on Start then click on the User Symbol and choose Sign out (see image below).
  2. Have the student move to a different station and log back in.
    • Do not just have the student login on another station without first signing out of the first station.  If they don't sign out of the first station, the problem will follow them to the next.
  3. Report the station that is not loading printers to the Equipment & Media Services staff at your campus.  Make sure to include the station ID.
    • Surrey       avmedias
    • Langley     avmedial
    • Richmond  avmediar
    • Cloverdale avmediac

Students - No Printers or Incorrect Printers Installed

Access to printers is part of the login process. When a student logs on, their profile is loaded which includes the printers they have access to. The reason printers are not available is that sometimes during the login, script assigning of printers gets missed.

When a job is sent to print, if the the correct library printers are not installed, one of these messages below may appear on the workstation and  the print job  may not show in the print queue at the MFD.

  • Printers not installed

  • Printing Error 03

You will need to follow the steps to Check if printers are installed & Printers not installed.

WIFI Problem

Students must connect to KPUSecureStudent for printers to install.

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Then click on the Settings button .
  3. Click on Devices

The available printers will display. Check that the correct printers are installed for your campus. This example, shows the Langley printers. 



If the printers are not available or are incorrect for your campus, follow the steps for Printers not installed.

You can follow the instructions below to manually install a printer.  The printers in this document are for Langley campus library.  You'll need to know the name of the printer that you want to install.


Still having trouble?

Note: Do not use Internet Explorer to access the form.