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Papercut: Students

Assign Card in PaperCut

Login to Papercut Admin.

  1. In the Quick Find field, enter the student number and press Enter.
    • To search by name type the student's first name/last name and a list of all the people in Papercut with that name will come up,  press Enter.
    • Click on the appropriate name in the list.
    • If they are not found in Papercut, see  New Student not in Papercut
  2. In the User Details window, check to make sure the correct student record has come up.
  3. Ensure that the Print account selection field reads Automatically charge to personal account.
  4. Scroll down to the Card/Identity Number section.
  5. Place the cursor in the Secondary field.
  6. Tap the card on the Wave ID reader. The card is automatically linked and is ready for use.
  7. Click on the x next to the Quick Find field to remove the previous search.
  8. Link card in Workflows.

New Student Record not in PaperCut

It can take up to 2 days for a new student's record to be added to Papercut.  If they are not in Papercut but are in Workflows, OneCard and/or Banner with a Student record:

  1. Go ahead and make their card.
  2. Let the student know their record has not yet been loaded into Papercut and therefore they will not be able to print or copy yet.

Note: In the interim they can login to the Guest stations and use the Guest Print cards.

  1. Ask them to come back in a few days to have their card linked to Papercut.
  2. If they are still not in Papercut, refer them to IT.

Students who are also Employees

Employee cards must be assigned to the person's Employee (username) account in PaperCut.

Student cards must be assigned to the person's Student (student number) account in PaperCut.

NEVER edit a PaperCut account status e.g. from Personal account to a Shared account. Library staff are not authorized to make this change. Refer the patron to IT if their account status is incorrect.

For full procedures on issuing Student cards to Employees see: Employees who are also Students