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Papercut: Add Value to Guest Cards

Non Students and Non Employees

Non-Students/non-Employees (e.g. those with Community Borrower privileges)  will not have accounts in Papercut.

  • Print
    • The patron will need to tell you which Guest Station they are using.
    • Pull the appropriate Guest station card from the drawer.
    • Add value to the card via the POS.
  • Copy
    • Any generic Copy Card can be used.
    • Add value to the card via the POS.

Non-Students/non-Employees do not have access to paying online.

On the POS

  1. Press PAPERCUT
  2. Enter the amount to be added.

Note: If a patron wants to add more than $50.00, the payment can be entered as one transaction in the POS but in Papercut Webcashier the maximum amount per transaction is $50.00. When entering the amount in Papercut Webcashier it will need to be recorded using more than one transaction.  For example: If a patron wants to add $75.00 for printing/copying, you would enter one transaction for $50.00 and then a second transaction for $25.00.

  1. Press Papercut
  2. Press the Payment button.

Note: You can combine any of these Payment types. e.g. someone could pay $1.00 in cash and the rest on debit or credit.


Payment Type Steps
  1. Select one of the following two options:
    • If applicable choose one of the Quick Cash buttons: e.g. $1.00, $2.00,  $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 OR
    • Manually enter the amount the patron is giving you
  2. Press CASH as the payment type.
  3. The amount to be given in CHANGE  (highlighted in yellow) will display in the POS payment window.
  4. The cash drawer will automatically open. 
  5. A receipt will not print.

To Print a copy of a receipt:

  1. On the Home screen press Papercut
  2. Press REPRINT RCPT.
    • Only the most recent transaction receipt can be printed this way.
  1. Enter the payment amount.
    • The transaction window will display the amount outstanding based on your selections in the previous screen.
  2. Press the appropriate PAYMENT option:
    • DEBIT
    • CREDIT
  3. The transaction will automatically be transferred to the credit/debit machine.
  4. Hand the patron the credit/debit machine PIN pad to complete the transaction.
  5. The cash drawer will automatically open. 
  6. On the POS screen, a Customer Receipt? Yes/No window will pop up. Select the appropriate option.
  7. If you have selected Yes, the Customer copy of the receipt will print first. Give the receipt to the patron.
    • If a signature line prints on the Merchant receipt the patron must sign the receipt.
  8. Fold the Merchant copy of the receipt in half and put it through the slot in the POS drawer.

Note: If the card is declined the patron must use a different means of payment. If the patron has no other means of payment, and the bill has already been paid off in Workflows, contact the Library Resources Technician to reinstate the bill in Workflows.

  1. Enter the amount of the Cheque.
  2. Press the payment type of CHEQUE.
  3. The cash drawer will automatically open. 
  4. A receipt will not print.

To Print a copy of a receipt:

  1. On the Home screen press Papercut
  2. Press REPRINT RCPT.
    • Only the most recent transaction receipt can be printed this way.
  1. Press Clear when you are finished.
  2. Press Home if not automatically returned to the Home screen.
  3. Follow the steps to add the amount into Papercut Webcashier.


Papercut Webcashier

  1. Click on the Papercut Webcashier shortcut on the desk top or go to
  2. Once logged in, click on Deposit on the left hand side of the screen.
  3. Place your cursor in the Username field and tap the appropriate GUEST or COPY card.
  4. Enter the Amount to be added including the decimal point.

Note: The maximum amount per transaction is $50.00. If the amount to be added is in excess of $50.00 enter the amount using more than one transaction.  For example: If a patron wants to add $75.00 for printing/copying, you would enter one transaction for $50.00 and then a second transaction for $25.00.

  1. Choose the appropriate Payment method.
  2. Click on Deposit.