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Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field grounded in the languages, histories, geographies, and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples

Get started

This is your Indigenous Studies subject guide

On this guide, you'll find resources to help you with your research and assignments in the area of Indigenous Studies.

You'll also find some useful background and contextual information that relates to Indigenous, Metis and Inuit peoples in Canada, including history, citation considerations, and other special topics. 

Use the tabs on the left to locate resources and course-specific information.

Each page has focused resources and tips on the featured topic

The book covers below are some of the new Indigenous titles recently added to the collection

Contact your Indigenous Studies Liaison Librarian or KPU Library with any questions or if you need help finding information.

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There are many ways to get one-on-one help at the library. Ask us how to find resources, where to start your research, how to cite, and more! Get help:

  • In person at the research help desk on every campus

  • By email and text

  • By virtual appointment

For library hours, email contact, and more details, visit the Ask Us page.

Local Indigenous Voices

Book Cover: Title.: Around the kitchen table : Métis aunties' scholarship / edited by Laura Forsythe and Jennifer Markides.
Book Cover: Title.: By the fire we carry : the generations-long fight for justice on Native land / Rebecca Nagle.
Title.: Unikkaaqtuat : unikkaatuqat ukiuqtaqtumiinnggaaqtut / titiraqtat Niil Kuristavu ; titiraujaqtat Jirmai Arnattaujuq = Arctic song : creation stories from the Arctic / written by Germaine Arnattaujuq and Neil Christopher ; illustrated by Germaine Arnattaujuq

Indigenous Studies & Higher Ed