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Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field grounded in the languages, histories, geographies, and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Truth and Reconciliation: Overview

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2008 - 2015) documents the history and intergenerational impact of Canada's Residential School System. In December 2016 Justin Trudeau renewed his commitment to improving the relationship between Canada and its Indigenous peoples. Committing to annual meetings with Indigenous associations, Trudeau made it clear that reconciliation will continue to be a priority for the federal government.

The release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report sparked increased efforts by colleges and institutes all across the country  to Indigenize curriculum and to make  Indigenous cultures more visible on campuses. The year 2016  saw the launch of many new programs as well as the opening of new Indigenous cultural facilities and gathering spaces, solidifying the commitment of college and institute in this area. Colleges and institutes outlined their commitments in CICan’s Indigenous Education Protocol, signed by 47 colleges and institutes across the country.  Kwantlen Polytechnic University is one of the signatories.

Truth and Reconciliation: Web Resources

  1. National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
  2. Reconciliation Canada
  3. National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: Interactive Map
  4. Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action

Truth and Reconciliation: DVDs and Streaming

  1. Treaties, Reconciliation and Indigenous History in Canada - 54min - (Curio streaming)
  2. Reconciliation and Resurgence a Personal Reflection with Paulette Regan - 1h - SD 68 Nanimo Ladysmith Youtube
  3. We Know the Truth: Stories to Inspire Reconciliation - 45min - CBC News Youtube


Book cover:  Speaking our truth : a journey of reconciliation / Monique Gray Smith
Book cover: Pathways of reconciliation : Indigenous and settler approaches to implementing the TRC's calls to action edited by Aimée Craft and Paulette Regan
Book cover: A Knock on the Door : The Essential History of Residential Schools From the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Edited and Abridged
Book Cover: Final report of the truth and reconciliation commision of Canada volume one: Summary
Book cover: Truth and indignation: Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools
Book cover: Unsettling the settler within : Indian residential schools, truth telling, and reconciliation in Canada
Book cover: Canada's Residential Schools Volume 3 The Metis Experience
Book cover: Canada's Residential Schools Volume 4 Missing Children and Unmarked Graves
Book cover: Indigenous Relations: insights, tips, and suggestions to make reconciliation a reality