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Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field grounded in the languages, histories, geographies, and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples

Two Spirit

Two Spirit: Overview

Indigenous identities include complex and diverse concepts of gender and sexuality. There are various names to describe gender and sexual diversity amongst the Nations.  Often, Elders speak of those who carry two spirits: that of a female and that of a male. Two Spirit is a contemporary term that can be used to describe LGBTQ+ people who identify as Indigenous.    

Two Spirit: Web Resources

  1. Two Spirit Calls to Action
  2. Two Spirit Archive
  3. Tribal Equity Toolkit
  4. MMIWG2SLGBTQQIA+ National Action Plan
  5. Native Women's Association of Canada Action Plan: WAC's Action Plan to End the Attack Against Indigenous Women, Girls, and Gender-Diverse People

Two Spirit: DVDs and Streaming

  1. First Stories: Two Spirit - 7min - NFB


Book cover: Becoming two-spirit : gay identity and social acceptance in Indian country
Book cover: Gender and Sexuality in Indigenous North America, 1400-1850
Book cover: Queer indigenous studies : critical interventions in theory, politics, and literature
Book cover: A two-spirit journey : the autobiography of a lesbian Ojibwa-Cree elder