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Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary field grounded in the languages, histories, geographies, and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples

Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System: Overview

Indigenous peoples across Canada are over-represented in the Canadian Criminal Justice System. There are a number of factors that contribute to this over-representation, including systemic poverty, racism, and the intergenerational impacts of colonization.

Criminal Justice System: Web Resources

  1. Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System
  2. Justice System and Aboriginal People

Criminal Justice System: DVDs, Streaming, and Podcasts

  1. Justice Denied - 1h 38min - NFB
  2. Spirit With In - 51min - NFB
  3. Chaos and Courage - Season One - 2h 6min - DVD
  4. Chaos and Courage - Season Two - 4h 33min - DVD
  5. Aboriginal People and the Police by Revision Quest Darrel Dennis - 27min - Curio podcast
  6. Native Gangs by Revision Quest Darrel Dennis - 27min - Curio podcast

Please visit our Criminology Library Guide for further resources.


Book cover: The colonial problem: an indigenous perspective on crime and injustice in Canada
Book cover: Dying from improvement: inquests and inquiries into Indigenous deaths in custody
Book cover: Indigenous men and masculinities: legacies, identities, regeneration
Book cover: Implicating the system: judicial discourses in the sentencing of Indigenous women