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This guide lists resources used in a library research workshop for students in CRIM 1100 sections taught by Tara Lyons in spring 2022.

This short guide will help you to:

  • find scholarly articles in specific journals
  • use a library research database to find academic books and journal articles on a particular topic
  • manage sources that you find
  • cite your sources (including your textbook!) in APA style

What are peer-reviewed journal articles?

What is a peer-reviewed journal?

Peer-reviewed journals are often called scholarly or academic journals. They are different from popular magazines.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

  • are written by experts for other experts
  • usually report on research
  • include many in-text citations and a list of references or works cited by the author(s)
  • most importantly have been rigorously critiqued and reviewed by experts for quality before being published. This is called peer-review.

DO NOT rely on the 'peer-reviewed' checkbox in a database to be completely accurate!

Why not? It is only a rough filter that tells you whether a journal includes some peer-reviewed articles.

Most peer-reviewed journals include a mixture of different kinds of articles, including short pieces such as book reviews and editorials. These short pieces do NOT go through the same peer-review process as the rest of the articles in the journal, but they will still be included in the peer-reviewed results in a database.

Always look at the article for the typical features of a scholarly article such as an abstract and extensive in-text citations.

Videos on scholarly journals and peer-review

VIDEO: Scholarly Journal Articles (04:37)

Distinguishes the different types of materials that you will find in scholarly journals, and demonstrates how to spot the scholarly articles.

  • Video (YouTube)
  • Video (Kaltura)
  • Video transcript (text file)
  • VIDEO: Understanding Peer Review (2:35)

    Describes the peer-review process and why such articles are important for university assignments. Accompanies Module 2 in the KPU Library's Doing Research Tutorial.

  • Video (YouTube)
  • Video (Kaltura)
  • Video transcript (text file)
  • Which of these items is a RESEARCH ARTICLE from a SCHOLARLY JOURNAL? [Tip: After you select an article, click on the PDF link to open the full text]
    Article 1: 1 votes (2.33%)
    Article 2: 34 votes (79.07%)
    Article 3: 0 votes (0%)
    All the articles: 0 votes (0%)
    Only Article 2 and Article 3: 8 votes (18.6%)
    don't know: 0 votes (0%)
    Total Votes: 43

    If you are not sure how to tell if an article is from a peer-reviewed journal, please see the library's Scholarly Journal Checklist.

    How to find (and read) articles in a specific journal

    Which of these database(s) has full-text for articles in Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice FROM THE LAST 5 YEARS?
    1. Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text: 5 votes (29.41%)
    2. Criminal Justice Database: 1 votes (5.88%)
    3. Project Muse Premium Collection: 7 votes (41.18%)
    Both 1 and 3: 3 votes (17.65%)
    All: 1 votes (5.88%)
    Total Votes: 17

    How to look for a specific journal in the KPU Library's collection: 

    From the KPU Library's homepage:

    1. Click on the tab for Journal Titles
    2. Enter the title of your journal into the search box

    screenshot of Journal Title search box

    VIDEO: How to Find a Particular Journal in the Library (5:42)

    This short screencast will show you how to find the full-text of any scholarly journal, newspaper or popular magazine available in the Library.

  • Video (Kaltura)
  • Developing your topic

    VIDEO: Picking your topic IS research (3:10)

    You will almost always need to tweak and focus your original research topic. You will likely have to do this several times as you explore the published research to craft a topic appropriate to the length of your essay.

    North Carolina State University Libraries. (n.d.). Picking your topic IS research [Video]. Youtube.

    VIDEO: Developing a Research Question (6:25)

    This video walks you through five steps for narrowing a broad topic to a more-focused research question which will guide your research and writing.

    Laurier Library. (2017, December 20). Developing a research question [Video]. Youtube.

  • Video transcript (Word file)
  • WORKSHEET: Research Question Worksheet: practice applying the video's tips to your topic

    Summon searches for scholarly articles

    Start with a Summon Search

    Use the KPU Library's search tool called Summon to search (almost) the entire KPU Library collection, all at once. Summon is the big search box on the library's homepage, but I've plugged in a quick search box below.

    1. Enter your broad topic into the Summon search box below and click on "Search Summon"
    2. When your search results display, use the filters in the left-hand menu to limit your results only to Scholarly & Peer-Review Articles.
    3. (Optional) Then use the Topics filter to limit your results to those related to Criminology. 


    screenshot of Summon search results screen highlighting search filters

    Opening the Advanced Screen in Summon

    The Advanced Search screen will give you more options to control the way that Summon handles your search.

    Enter different concepts in different search boxes with each box joined with the AND search command

    This tells Summon to search for ALL of these concepts. Each time you add a new concept in a separate search box with the AND search command, you will DECREASE the number of results you find.

    Note: The Advanced Search will remove filters you applied before, however, so you'll need to re-apply those. You won't see the Topics filter on the Advanced Search screen, but as soon as you view your results, you will see the Topics filter again on the left-hand side of the screen.


    Expand your search by including synonyms or related terms in the SAME search box joined with the OR search command

    To INCREASE the number of results you find, include synonyms or related words for each concept. Put similar words in the SAME search box, with each term separated by the word OR. This tells Summon to match ANY ONE of the terms that you entered. This will expand your search leading to more results.


    For tips on how to put together a good search strategy in any database, see the Search Planner Worksheet.

    APA citation

    Why cite?

    Citing your sources properly shows that you have done your research and consulted appropriate sources for your topic. It also acknowledges that all research builds on work that has come before. You are giving credit to sources that have influenced or informed your work. If you do not do this, you are essentially stealing another person's ideas, which is called plagiarism.

    How to cite?

    Whenever you use another person's ideas (even if you put this into your own words), you must give them credit. You do this by CITING the source you used in two places:

    1. First, you give a brief in-text citation right in (or after) the sentence where you mention the idea or words.

    2. Then, you provide a detailed reference at the end of your document so that whoever reads it will be able to locate the exact source you used. 
      • note: the exact formatting of a reference will depend on the type of information source you are citing, but every reference should tell the reader:
        • WHO created the work,
        • WHEN it was created,
        • WHAT the work is called, and
        • WHERE it can be found. 
    If you would like help learning how to paraphrase or summarize, please visit the KPU Learning Centre in person or online.

    Citing a scholarly journal article

    Video tutorial on APA references for journal articles

    Video credit: Western Sydney University Library. (2020). APA style, 7th edition: Referencing an online journal article [Videorecording].

    Examples of APA references for journal articles

    3 APA citations for journals articles: 1) standard, 2) no DOI but freely-available online, 3) no DOI and not freely-available online

    Text version of incorrect and corrected citations:


    David, J.-D., & Mitchell, M. (2021). Contacts with the Police and the Over-Representation of Indigenous Peoples in The Canadian Criminal Justice System. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice63(2), 23–45.


    David, J.-D., & Mitchell, M. (2021). Contacts with the police and the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the Canadian criminal justice system. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice63(2), 23–45.

    Citation for a print-format book:

    APA citation for print book

    Citation for a book chapter in a print-format book:

    APA citation for print book chapter


    • The authors of the CHAPTER are listed first, followed by the title of the chapter.
    • For the editors of the BOOK, their initials come before their surnames, which is the opposite of the order for the chapter authors.


    In-text Citations

    Citation Generators

    Most library research databases have built-in citation generators. These are handy tools to create a rough citation, but you ALWAYS need to double-check them. Here is an example from Summon:

    Practice citing scholarly article in APA style:


    Example of incorrect APA citation from Criminal Justice Abstracts database with corrected version of citation:

    screenshot of incorrect APA citation from a database with corrected version

    Text version of incorrect and corrected citations:


    David, J.-D., & Mitchell, M. (2021). Contacts with the Police and the Over-Representation of Indigenous Peoples in The Canadian Criminal Justice System. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice63(2), 23–45.


    David, J.-D., & Mitchell, M. (2021). Contacts with the police and the over-representation of Indigenous peoples in the Canadian criminal justice system. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice63(2), 23–45.

    Practice citing your textbook in APA style:

    BONUS: Finding (and citing) online images

    Check out the KPU Library's guide on Images: How to Find, Use and Cite