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Medieval History

Accessing Articles from off Campus locations

You can access our research databases from home if you are a Kwantlen student or employee.

  • Here is the login information you will need to use to access these online resources:
    • Students:
      username = student number
      password = same password used to register for classes online
    • Employees:
      username = assigned short name that you use to login to office computer
      password = same password used to login to office computers or access HR self services
    • Staff and Administrators
      username = same name ID used to access office computers
      password = same password used to login to office computers
  • You must have 'Cookies' enabled on your browser. This will ensure that the system will recognize you after you enter your barcode just once despite how many databases you use during your browser session.
  • If your username/password works for logging into Moodle or computers on campus, but does not work for logging into our databases, try a password reset. This often triggers library database access.
  • If you use any type of chain to automatically save passwords, you will need to make sure that is updated to your changes. Library databases are unavailable from a VPN connection. Please use a direct internet connection for their use.
  • Still having issues?? We are here to help! Contact us by phone, email or text and we will assist you -