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This guide lists key sources of information for English Language and Literature that are available for Kwantlen users. Click on the tabs for different types of sources and useful research tips.

Find Articles

What is a scholarly journal?

Scholarly journals differ from popular magazines and trade journals/magazines in a number of ways. (See "Comparison Chart" on our site.) Scholarly articles are written by researchers or professors (experts in a certain field), and they often report an original research or experiment results. Before they are published, these articles go through a peer review process by which an author's peers, recognized researchers in the field, read and evaluate a paper (article) submitted for publication and recommend whether the paper should be published, revised, or rejected.

Scholarly journal videos and interactive guides:

Quiz - Which of these is a scholarly journal article? Each link takes you to a full text of the article. From there, click on "PDF Full Text" to view the article. Choose only one answer and click Submit.
Article 1: 3 votes (42.86%)
Article 2: 4 votes (57.14%)
Article 3: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 7

MLA citation:
Brinkerhoff, Celia. "Activity: Summarize the Peer Review Process." Doing Research: A Student's Guide to Finding and Using the Best Sources, KPU Library, 2019,
(Used under CC-BY 4.0 International licence.)

Find journal articles, newspaper and magazine articles in our databases. KPU Library subscribes to more than 200 Research Databases :

  • Use online research databases that Library subscribes to. It is the most efficient way to find scholarly and other types of articles on a topic.
  • For a quick scan of articles and other information sources, use the Library's all-in-one search tool called Summon.

How do I know which database to use?

  • The Library Subject Guides will provide the titles of the best databases to search in your subject area, as well as other relevant sources, e.g. books or websites. Remember, it is often necessary to search more than one database to find the best articles on your topic. Or, simply click on Browse Databases by Subject  for a quick subject overview.

What type of article do I need?

  • Make sure you know what type of article you need to find: a scholarly/academic/peer-reviewed, a newspaper or magazine article? Use Library databases to full text articles. If you're not sure whether a journal is scholarly (often called "academic" or "peer-reviewed"), look at our Scholarly Journals checklist.

I have a citation (or, I know exactly what article I want).  How do I find the article? 

  • See if KPU has access to it electronically or in print.  Search by the name of the Journal on the Journal Titles page.

Access all databases on the Databases A-Z page. Note that Library subscribes to more than 150 Research Databases.Here is a short list of recommended databases.

Multidisciplinary Databases

Subject-Specific Databases

Academic Search Complete-Scholarly and popular articles from peer reviewed journals, magazines and newspapers in all  subject areas.

Literature Resource Center - Full text content, literary criticism and literary encyclopedias from Gale

CBCA Complete-A comprehensive reference and current events database.

MLA International Bibliography- Detailed bibliography of journal articles, books and dissertations.

CPI.Q- Indexes Canadian English and French periodicals and includes selected full-text for articles from 1983 to the present.

JSTOR- full text scholarly articles in all subject areas, with excellent Literary criticism collection

JSTOR - a multi-disciplinary database of archived full-text scholarly journals. How to search JSTOR tutorial.

Project MUSE - full text articles from over 400 peer reviewed titles with excellent Literary criticism collection

Project MUSE - Project Muse is a non-profit, full text repository of articles from over 400 peer reviewed titles from scholarly presses and societies.

Browse Databases by Subject Areas - Search for the best databases relevant to your topics.

Canadian Newsstream - Full-text of major Canadian newspapers and small-market BC papers.


KPU Library newspaper databases:

Canadian & International newspaper & news websites.

Mainstream News Sites

Alternative / Progressive News Sites

International News

Fake News

Concordia Fake News LibGuide

Fact Checking

Use these sources to get an overview of the topic. Also good for developing your topic which sometimes can be too broad or too narrow.

  • Canadian Points of View - Essays presenting multiple viewpoints on current issues.
  • Credo Reference Centre - Gather background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text general and subject-specific reference titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos.
  • Opposing Viewpoints - books in the Library. Find evidence of opposing viewpoints. Whether you’re making an argument, comparing and contrasting approaches to a problem, debating the pros and cons of a course of action, defining an issue or simply informing your audience about a topic, Opposing Viewpoints has what you need.

  • Politifact - Pulitzer Prize winning website.
  • Hoax Slayer - A website that debunks email and social media hoaxes and scams.

Media Bias/Fact Check - "An independent online media outlet ... dedicated to educating the public on media bias and deceptive news practices." The site contains lists of media sources categorized as Left Bias, Left-Center Bias, Least Biased, Right-Center Bias, Right Bias, Pro-Science, Conspiracy-Pseudoscience, Fake News, and Satire, and also contains a list of 10 Best Fact Checking Sites.

The Washington Post: Fact Checker

A list of opinion sections in a variety of news sites:

Library Database

  • Canadian Newsstream - Full text of Major Canadian newspaper articles and many small-market newspapers. When searching for an opinion piece or editorial, you can select these search options in the database.

AllSides - "Unlike regular news services, AllSides exposes bias and provides multiple angles on the same story so you can quickly get the full picture, not just one slant....Unlike traditional search that promotes the most popular or best marketed results, AllSides highlights different perspectives for a deeper understanding."

Accuracy in Media


Need data? Be sure they come from reputable sources. Here are just a few: