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Graphic Design for Marketing (GDMA)

Find Journal, Magazine & Newspaper Articles

Our Research database page offers you access to over 200 databases.

These databases are useful for GDMA and related research:


The database only gives me a citation, or just an abstract. How do I find the full text?

The Where Can I Get This link lets you know if the full-text of the article is available:

  1. Online through another library database.
  2. In print at the Library
  3. via interlibrary loan .

Make sure to look for the Where Can I Get This on the database page!

Find out more about Interlibrary Loans!

The Library has access to many journals through the various research databases. The following lists SOME of the journals that you will find in the library. The most current issues are located on the display shelving at the front of the library.

When conducting research it is important to distinguish between journal articles and magazine articles. Journal articles are typically referred to as "scholarly" or "refereed" while magazine articles are usually considered "popular" or "sensational". Always know which type is acceptable for your research.


Refereed or Scholarly Journal

Trade Publication

Popular Magazine


Has serious format

Attractive in appearance

Generally glossy & attractive format


Graphs and charts to illustrate concepts

Photos, graphics and illustrations used to enhance articles

Photos, illustrations and drawing to enhance image of publication


Cited sources with footnotes and/or bibliography

Occasionally cite sources, but not as a rule

Rarely cite sources. Original sources may be obscure


Written by scholars or researchers in the field or discipline

Written by professionals or experts in the field

Written by the staff or free-lance writers for a broad audience


Uses terminology, jargon, and the language of the discipline. Reader is assumed to have similar background

Uses language appropriate for an educated readership

Uses simple language for minimal educational level. Articles are short, with little depth


To inform, report, or make original research available to the scholarly world

Report on trends in  specific industry, business or organization; give practical advice

Designed to entertain or persuade, to sell products or services


Generally published by a professional organization

Published by commercial enterprises for profit

Published for profit


Contains selective advertising

Carries advertising, mostly trade related

Contains extensive advertising

You can access our research databases from home if you are a Kwantlen student or employee.

  • Here is the login information you will need to use to access these online resources:
    • Students:
      username = student number
      password = same password used to register for classes online
    • Employees:
      username = assigned short name that you use to login to office computer
      password = same password used to login to office computers or access HR self services
  • You must have 'Cookies' enabled on your browser. This will ensure that the system will recognize you after you enter your barcode just once despite how many databases you use during your browser session.