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Find Books/ebooks

Search the Library Catalogue for books by entering keywords that describe what you are looking for OR check out these books to get you started:

Search the Library Catalogue for books by entering keywords that describe what you are looking for.

You can also search by author name, book title or subject heading.


Try entering the following subject headings (or simply click on the link):

Search tips

Use the Advanced Search screen

Combine terms to be more precise using the 'AND' command
e.g. clothing AND smart materials AND Canada

Find synoyms using the 'OR' command
e.g. international OR global

Use single quote marks to match multiple words exactly
e.g. 'protective clothing' (Note: Summon uses double quotes)

Use shortcuts to find words with different spellings:
e.g. correction$ will find correction, corrections, and correctional (but not corrective)

Find the library subject terms for your topic
e.g. if you browse by SUBJECT for the keyword Taser (which is a brand name) you'll see that libraries use the term stun guns instead

Call numbers help you locate items in the library. You will always find related books shelved together so understanding call numbers can help you find many resources on the shelves.

Still confused about call numbers? See our  Call Numbers Demystified Guide!

Call number ranges to get you started:

  • Advertising: HF 5801-6182
  • Alphabets/Lettering: NK 3600 
  • Art: N
  • Book Design: Z 246 
  • Commercial/Advertising Art: NC 997
  • Graphic Design: NC 
  • Posters: NC 1806.7
  • User Experience Design: NK 1520; QA 76
  • Signs: GT 3910
  • Signs and Symbols: AZ 108
  • Typography: Z


  • AZ: Signs and Symbols
  • GT 3910: Signs
  • HF 5801-6182: Advertising
  • N: Art
  • NC: Graphic Design
  • NC 997: Commercial/Advertising Art
  • NC 1806.7: Posters
  • NK 1520; QA 76: User Experience Design: 
  • NK 3600: Alphabets/Lettering
  • Z: Typography
  • Z 246: Book Design

Search the Library Catalogue for books and films by entering keywords that describe what you are looking for.

You can search by keywords ("words or phrase"), author, title or subject heading. Try entering the following subject headings or simply click on the link to run the search for that subject heading

The library catalogue lists both scholarly and popular books.

To help you determine if a book is a "scholarly" title, use the following list to help you decide:

Who is the author?

  • holds an advanced degree in the subject covered by the book?
  • professional or researcher in the field?
  • is the author affiliated with a university / professional organization?


  • original research
  • literature review
  • advances research in discipline

Cited Sources?

  • bibliography / extensive notes
  • cites other scholarly sources
  • has an index


  • university press
  • scholarly publisher


  • uses terminology of the discipline
  • is written for other scholars / students