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Cite Your Sources

The Design Programs at KPU use APA style to document sources.

KPU APA Citation Guide

Check the Images -- How to Find, Use and Cite guide for information on how to find images on the internet and copyright implications

When writing a research paper, you must always cite any sources that you have consulted. You must acknowledge when you are using the ideas, information, arguments, phrases or any other intellectual or creative output by another person. Not to do so is referred to as plagiarism.  Plagiarism is a serious offense that carries with it severe academic consequences, but that can largely be avoided by always citing your resources.

We cite:

  • to distinguish previous from new thought
  • to give credit to the person whose ideas you used
  • to respect intellectual property
  • to help a reader locate the source(s) you used
  • to show that you have investigated your topic well
  • to avoid plagiarism

Common examples of plagiarism:

  • Copying sentences, paragraphs, data or visuals without citing their source
  • Quoting material without proper use of quotation marks (even if otherwise cited appropriately)
  • Paraphrasing or summarizing information from a source without acknowledgement;
  • Paying someone for writing the assignment
  • Listing a source in the bibliography/reference list that was not cited in the assignment

Find out more about Plagiarism

The KPU Learning Centres offer writing help, tutors, and workshops.

Copyright is the sole and exclusive right of a copyright owner to produce, reproduce, perform, publish, adapt, translate and telecommunicate a work, and to control the circumstances in which others may do any of these things.

Learn more: Copyright Guide

What is a credible source? Evaluating Sources

Evaluating the authority, usefulness, and reliability of the information you find is a crucial step in the process of library research. The questions you ask about books, periodical articles, multimedia titles, or Web pages are similar whether you're looking at a citation to the item, a physical item in hand, or an electronic version.Use the CRAAP Test to help you evaluate the information you find for:

Currency - The timeliness of the information.

Relevance - The importance of the information for your needs

Authority - The source of the information

Accuracy - The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.

Purpose - The reason the information exists.

CURRENCY: The timeliness of the information.

  • When was the information published? Has the information recently been revised or updated?
  • Do you need current or historical information? Will the older information be acceptable?

RELEVANCE: The suitability and appropriateness of the information.

  • Does the information directly relate to your topic?
  • Is the level and depth of the information appropriate?
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Did you compare a variety of sources to determine which one works best?

AUTHORITY: The source of the information.

  • Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
  • What are the author’s qualifications to write on the topic?
  • Is the author affiliated with a University or a reputable organization?
  • What does the URL (web address) indicate about the author or source?
  • What is the site's domain? 

    • The following list shows several sites defined by their domain.

      • Canadian government website  
      • .ca Canadian country code
      • .gov American government website  
      •  .org organizations, nonprofits website
      • .net - organizations related to the Internet itself
      • .edu American college/university website     
      • .com commercial, for profit website

      Generally speaking, .edu, .gov or .org domains are more reliable as research sources than .com.



ACCURACY: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the information.

  • Is the information supported by evidence or sources that can be verified?
  • Is there a bibliography / references list?
  • Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
  • Is the information free of spelling mistakes, poor grammar, and typos?

PURPOSE: The purpose and objectivity of the information should be clear.

  • Is the information intended to teach, sell, entertain, inform, or persuade?
  • Is it factual, propaganda, or an opinion?
  • Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?
  • Do the authors or sponsors make their intentions clear?