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English Language Studies

This guide is a selection of all the best resources, from the Library and beyond, for your research in English Language Studies

Citation Style Guides

When writing a research paper, you must always cite any sources that you have consulted. You must acknowledge when you are using the ideas, information, arguments, phrases or any other intellectual or creative output by another person. Not to do so is referred to as plagiarism.  Plagiarism is a serious offense that carries with it severe academic consequences (see KPU's Policy ST2, entitled Student Academic Integrity Policy), but that can largely be avoided by always citing your resources.

We cite:

  • to distinguish previous from new thought
  • to give credit to the person whose ideas you used
  • to respect intellectual property
  • to help a reader locate the source(s) you used
  • to show that you have investigated your topic well
  • to avoid plagiarism

Take a short quiz: Identifying Citations


Common examples of plagiarism:

  • Copying sentences, paragraphs, data or visuals without citing their source
  • Quoting material without proper use of quotation marks (even if otherwise cited appropriately)
  • Paraphrasing or summarizing information from a source without acknowledgement;
  • Paying someone for writing the assignment
  • Listing a source in the bibliography / reference list that was not cited in the assignment

Find out more about Plagiarism


Video:  speeches

KPU MLA Citation Style Guide

KPU MLA Quick Guide - 8th ed. Includes examples of sources cited using the new MLA style rules.

MLA Style Center

           Interactive Practice template

MLA Guide - Columbia College

APA style is often used to document sources for papers in the Social Sciences (e.g. sociology, psychology and criminology). It uses parenthetical citations for in-text references and a reference list at the end of the paper.

KPU Style Guides:

Check the APA Citation Guide for more help.