Call numbers help you locate items in the library. You will always find related books shelved together so understanding call numbers can help you find many resources on the shelves.
Still confused about call numbers? Our guide may help!
Call number ranges for Physics, Applied Science & Astronomy are:
Books are shelved by call number:
QC 1 - QC 999 Physics
QB 1 - QB 991 Astronomy
QB 460 - QB 466 Astrophysics
QC 170 - QC 197 Atomic Physics
QC 801 - QC 809 Geophysics, Cosmic Physics
You can find books about Physics through our Library Catalogue by searching under the following subject heading:
or use a narrower term:
You can find books about Astronomy through our Library Catalogue by searching under the following subject heading:
or use a narrow term: