For DEPD studies, your "home" library is at Richmond Campus. While there are 4 campus libraries, and you're welcome to use any one, you 'll find most of the print books, journals, magazines, and films that support your course work will be located at Richmond.
PRINT Resources. Books, journals, newspapers, magazines, and films that support your course work will be located at Richmond.
ONLINE Resources. Many online library resources (e-books, journals, and articles) can be accessed off campus with your username and password.
New to KPU? Check out our Library Guide for New Students
Print books are kept in two places in the library: (1) General Collection books that can be borrowed; Reference Collection books are library use only; and (2) the Reserve Collection - restricted access.
General Collection /Reference Collection - Most books are located in the "General Collection". A General Collection book can be borrowed from the library for 28 days and will be automatically renewed if no one has placed a hold on it. Books are organized on the shelf by an alpha-numeric code called a "Call Number". There are a small number of Reference books interfiled on these shelves. Reference books are for in-library use only. Related books are shelved together so understanding call numbers can help you find many resources on the shelves.
Confused about call numbers? Our guide to our Library Collections (scroll down to Call Numbers Demystified) explains how to find items in the library. Or ask at the Library Service Counter and we'll be glad to help you!
Reserve Collection - Sometimes an instructor will request a book be placed on Course Reserve. Students must ask for the book at the Service Counter. Most books have a limited loan period (e.g. 2 hours, 3 days, 1 week) so that many students can access it.
E-books - Use the Library Catalogue or SUMMON to access online books.
Current and older periodicals are located on display shelving near the front of the library. Journals and magazines are organized in alphabetical order by Title.
Newspapers - Look for the most current edition on the newspaper table at the front of the library.
Newspapers. We only keep 3 months of the paper copies and these are kept, with the exception of the most current edition, at the end of the Journals collection..
Subscription databases
And don't have access to thousands of journal, magazine and newspaper articles through our subscription databases.
Equipment and Media Services are located within the Library at each KPU campus. All currently registered KPU students and KPU employees have access to equipment and media services.
Check the Guide for available equipment: