Library Catalogue Search Tips:
The most typical search in the Library Catalogue is a keyword search. Keywords are everyday terms to describe a topic. A more precise search is by subject. Subject headings are the agreed upon terms designated by the Library of Congress and assigned to each item in the library catalogue.
Call numbers help you locate items in the library. You will always find related books shelved together so understanding call numbers can help you find many resources on the shelves.
Still confused about call numbers? Our guide may help!
If you don't have a particular book in mind, try browsing call number ranges.
Useful call number ranges for Journalism and Communication Studies include:
Please use Google Chrome when playing videos on campus. When using PCs in e-classrooms, videos should be accessible through Internet Explorer.
Please use Google Chrome when playing videos on campus. When using PCs in e-classrooms, videos should be accessible through Internet Explorer.
Please use Google Chrome when playing videos on campus. When using PCs in e-classrooms, videos should be accessible through Internet Explorer.