If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, you might want to look at some of the following sources for inspiration.
Read a bit about your broad topic in the same sources to start to narrow the focus a bit.
Use this box to search hundreds of full-text dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more related to Criminology and Law. This is just part of the full Credo Reference database.
Use the KPU Library's search tool called Summon to look for different types of sources in the library's collection, all at once. Summon is the default search box on the Library's homepage. You can also use the quick search box below.
VIDEO: Why Is Coming Up With a Research Question So Difficult? (10:21)
Dr. Zina O'Leary discusses how choosing a question is part of the research process itself, and gives advice on how to create a strong research question. Hint: it involves READING. (If you have trouble viewing the video below, you can open it in the Sage Research Methods Online database.)