Kwantlen Library subscribes to a variety of journals both in print and online. If you're not sure if a journal is scholarly (often called "academic" or "peer-reviewed"), look at our Scholarly Publications checklist.
Selected Online Journals, Reports & Resources
Once you've searched the Library's databases, check Google Scholar for more articles and reports. Use the "Where Can I Get This?" link to take you to articles available through KPU Library.
DO NOT PAY for articles! You can use the citation information to locate the article at Kwantlen, or request it through Interlibrary Loans (ILL).
Kwantlen users have access to 245+ Research Databases.
Start your business research with these databases:
Scholarly and popular articles for all business disciplines.
The interface for this and all our other EBSCO databases will change mid-2025. Click here to try out the new interface early!
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.
This resource empowers users to develop and practice real-world skills needed to successfully transition from campus to the workplace. Including interactive assessments, scenarios, videos, downloadable data, and expert insight, it currently covers five areas: data analytics, entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational communication, and professionalism.
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.
Business, Management and Trade - scholarly and trade journal articles, dissertations, market reports, industry reports, business cases and global and trade news
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.
Large, multidisciplinary article database that is a good starting point for research in many areas.
The interface for this and all our other EBSCO databases will change mid-2025. Click here to try out the new interface early!
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.
Major Canadian newspapers as well as many small-market newspapers.
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.
Academic research is a multi-step process that doesn't always go in a straight line; you may find yourself returning to previous stages as you refine your topic.
Steps include:
Q: What is a scholarly journal?
A: Scholarly journals (also called 'academic' or 'peer-reviewed') contain articles written by experts, for other experts.
See our Scholarly Publications checklist.
Q: What is full-text?
A: Full-text is the complete article. Some databases may only give you a citation to an article, meaning just the author's name, article title, etc. Others include the full article. A full-text article may be in HTML format (words only) or a PDF scanned copy of the original article.
Q: How can I tell if we have this article?
A: If you only see a citation, click on the 'Where Can I Get This?' link next to the article in your database search results. If Kwantlen does not have access to the full text, you can request a copy of the article through Interlibrary Loans (ILL).