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Quick Guide from APA (book, article, book chapter only)
APA citation style is often used for papers in the Social Sciences (e.g. sociology, psychology and criminology). It uses parenthetical citations for in-text references and a reference list at the end of the paper.
Most sources that you quote, paraphrase or summarize are cited:
For more information refer to the print copy of the manual, available in the Reference Collection at all campuses, call number BF 76.7 P83 2020.
If you have a specific APA citing question, you may also try APA Style Help!
For a list of major changes from the 6th to the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual click here and watch this short video from Scribbr:
An annotated bibliography is a list of sources that you researched. It consists of two things:
Follow these APA guidelines (section 9.51), unless your instructor has told you differently:
Generally, you don't need to cite the work in your annotation, because it is clear which work is being talked about (as in the second example below). However, you do need to include in-text citations if you refer to more than one work in your annotation (for example, if you compare two works) to distinguish between them (as in the first example below).
(Examples on the template adapted with thanks from Vancouver Island University Library)
The APA Style Site contains helpful information on the following:
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