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How to use the Zotero citation management tool

Zotero Basics: CRIM Honours Workshop

This is an outline of what will be covered in the Zotero workshop for Criminology Honours students led by the librarian Chris Burns on Sept. 24, 2024.

Getting set up

Ideally, you will have installed the Zotero and browser connector on your personal laptop or device before the workshop. 

If you haven't done so, please follow the steps on this page from the Zotero library guide: 

Install Zotero Library and Connector 

Ideally, you will have created a Zotero account before the workshop. 

If you haven't done so, please follow the steps on this page from the Zotero library guide: 

Create a Zotero account

Zotero Settings

  • Open Settings menu
    • Windows: under Edit Menu
    • Mac: under Z icon
  • Note: Settings were called "Preferences" in older versions of Zotero.


  • Choose Sync from the Settings menu
    • Enter your Zotero account username and password
    • Leave the default settings as is, and save
  • About Data syncing:
    • Zotero 'data' is basically everything except attachments, e.g. the description of your item, tags, etc.
    • your data is saved automatically to your personal computer
    • you can also link your account to the Zotero server to automatically back-up your 'data'; this allows you to use Zotero on multiple devices and always stay sync'd
    • Note: Zotero servers are based in the US, so are subject to US access laws
  • About File syncing:
    • your files (e.g. PDF attachments) are saved automatically to your personal computer
      • to see where they are being saved, go to Settings > Advanced > Data Directory Location
    • by default, your files will also automatically be saved to the Zotero server, but you can change this
    • you have 300 MB of free Zotero server storage space; they have a tiered pricing structure for storage after that


  • From the Zotero Settings menu, choose Export
  • Select your preferred default citation style for quick bibliographies, and save

Pin the browser Connector 

[See screenshot from step 9 of these download instructions]

  • Open the browser that you used to download Zotero and the browser connector
  • open any website in this browser (e.g.
  • Check to the right of your address bar for a Zotero Connector icon [probably looks like a little sheet of paper]
  • If you DON’T see this icon (common in Chrome and Safari):
    • open your Extensions, and
    • click on the Pin icon next to Zotero Connector in the list.
    • You should now see the Connector icon by your address bar.


Create a project folder called Honours Workshop

See screenshot


Putting info into a Zotero library

Google Scholar: Add article using Zotero browser connector

Demo Google Scholar search:

You try it:

  • Open Google Scholar in the browser you used to download Zotero and the connector
  • Search for your research topic 
  • Pick two articles of interest
  • For the first article:
    • Capture the item from the GS results screen,
      • click on the Zotero connector icon that looks like a folder
      • you will see a list of the items listed on the first screen of your GS results
      • select the specific article from the list
      • click OK 
    • Add a tag to the Zotero record for this article: libraries
  • For the second article:
    • Capture the item from its source
      • follow the link in GS to go to the source for the article (e.g. a journal publisher's website).
      • Click on the Connector icon from that site (should look like a piece of paper)
    • Add a tag to the Zotero record for this article: libraries

Questions to consider

  • How accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • did it recognize that the item was a journal article, or did it treat it like a website?
      • you can change the Item Type 'template' 
    • did it capture all of the info you would need for an APA reference? 
  • Did Zotero attach the full text (PDF)? If not, why do you think it didn't?
  • Where did Zotero save the item? (i.e. which folder did it go into?)
    • Tip: Select the destination folder in Zotero before you start capturing items. This will save you time transferring them later.

Bonus time saver: 

  • You can customize the Google Scholar settings to show you when the full text of an article is available from KPU Library when you are off-campus.
    • Click on 'hamburger' menu > Settings > Library Links
    • Enter Kwantlen into the search box and hit search
    • Select Kwantlen Polytechnic University Library - Full text at KPU
    • Save

Library database: Add item using Zotero browser connector

Demo Criminal Justice Abstracts search:

You try it:

  • Open Criminal Justice Abstracts (or other library database) in the browser you used to download Zotero and the connector
  • Search for your research topic 
  • Click on the title of an article of interest to display the detailed description
  • Click on the Connector icon from that site (should look like a piece of paper)
  • Add a tag to the Zotero record for this article: literacy

Questions to consider

  • How accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • did it recognize that the item was a journal article, or did it treat it like a website?
      • you can change the Item Type 'template' 
    • did it capture all of the info you would need for an APA reference? 
    • compare the quality and completeness of the description that Zotero captured from the library database compared with Google Scholar. Is there any difference?
  • Did Zotero attach the full text (PDF)? If not, why do you think it didn't?
  • Where did Zotero save the item? (i.e. which folder did it go into?)
    • Tip: Select the destination folder in Zotero before you start capturing items. This will save you time transferring them later.

Google: Add website using Zotero browser connector

Demo Google search:

You try it:

  • Open Google in the browser you used to download Zotero and the connector
  • Search for your research topic 
  • Click on the title of a site of interest 
  • Click on the Connector icon from that site (it will probably look like a blue page)
  • Add a tag to the Zotero record for this article: libraries

Questions to consider

  • How accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • is your item actually a specific type of item, such as a newspaper article or report? If so, did Zotero recognize that or did it treat the item like a generic website?
      • note: you can change the Item Type 'template' 
    • did it capture all of the info you would need for an APA reference? 
    • Did Zotero attach the full text (PDF) or a snapshot of the item? 
  • Where did Zotero save the item? (i.e. which folder did it go into?)
    • Tip: Select the destination folder in Zotero before you start capturing items. This will save you time transferring them later.

Add PDF using Zotero browser connector

You try it:

  • Open Google in the browser you used to download Zotero and the connector
  • Search for your research topic 
  • Add filetype:pdf after your search terms in the Google search box [to limit results to PDF's]
  • Click on the title of a PDF of interest 
  • Click on the Connector icon (it will probably look like a blue page)

Questions to consider

  • Did Zotero create a descriptive record for the PDF (with all the details on title, author, etc.) with the PDF attached, or did it simply upload the PDF as a standalone item?
    • if yes, how accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • if no, follow these steps [see screenshot below]
      1. right-click on the PDF in the middle panel in Zotero 
      2. click on "Create Parent item"
      3. click on Manual Entry: this will create a descriptive 'Web Page' record with the PDF attached
      4. in the right-hand pane with the detailed description, click on the Item Type field and choose what type of document this is (e.g. is it a journal article? a report? a conference presentation?)
      5. fill in the information you would need to include in an APA reference for this type of item
  • Where did Zotero save the item? (i.e. which folder did it go into?)
    • Tip: Select the destination folder in Zotero before you start capturing items. This will save you time transferring them later.

screenshot of steps to create parent item in Zotero

Library catalogue: Add book using Zotero browser connector

Demo book in KPU Library catalogue:

You try it:

  • Open the KPU Library catalogue in the browser you used to download Zotero and the connector
  • Search for your research topic 
  • Click on the title of a book of interest 
  • Click on the Connector icon 

Questions to consider

  • Did Zotero create a descriptive record for the book (with all the details on title, author, etc.)?
    • if yes, how accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • if no, in the right-hand pane with the detailed description, click on the Item Type field and choose Book
      • Look at the types of fields are displayed. Which ones do you need for an APA reference?
      • Usually you would need to fill in these pieces of information, but we're going to find an easier way to do this next :)

Book: Add using identifier ("magic wand")

Look up:

  • ISBN Test # 1: 9781000332667
  • ISBN Test # 2: 9781003002833


You try it:

  • Go to Zotero
  • Above the middle panel, click on the magic wand icon to "Add item(s) by identifier"
  • Enter the ISBN for a book into the search box
  • Add a Note to the Zotero record for this article: example of item look-up by identifier

Questions to consider

  • Did Zotero create a descriptive record for the book (with all the details on title, author, etc.)?
    • if yes, how accurately did Zotero capture the citation information?
    • if no, in the right-hand pane with the detailed description, click on the Item Type field and choose Book
      • Manually enter information you will need for an APA book reference into the appropriate fields 

screenshot of adding a file in Zotero

Pulling info out of Zotero

Generate a standalone bibliography


  • open the Word document below and see page 1
  • try both methods for generating a standalone bibliography 
  • check the accuracy of the references

Insert in-text citations


  • see page 2 of the sample Word document
  • insert in-text citations for 2 of the items in your Zotero library 
  • check the accuracy of the in-text citations 
  • If you want to add a page number or edit the in-text citation, see step 5 on the screenshots

Insert References list

[screenshots, see step 8]

  • see page 2 of the sample Word document
  • place your cursor under the heading for References
  • click on Add/Edit Bibliography 
  • check the accuracy of the references