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New χʷəχʷéy̓əm space and exhibit at Surrey campus library

by Kelsey Chaban on 2022-06-14T12:44:40-07:00 in Indigenous Studies | 0 Comments

A picture of Oral Storytelling space, featuring circular shelving and seating.June is National Indigenous History Month, and KPU Library is pleased to announce that we have a new Indigenous exhibit, collection and space for students and visitors at our Surrey campus library.  

χʷəχʷéy̓əm – oral storytelling in the hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language – (pictured) is located on the first floor of the Artubus Building and was designed by Rachel Chong, Indigenous Engagement & Subject Liaison Librarian, a member of Métis Nation BC. It was developed to make Indigenous authors, history and culture more accessible, and the space itself features details that honour Indigenous knowledge, ways of thinking, and art.  The χʷəχʷéy̓əm collection features Indigenous authors and is organized using a Indigenous library classification system, circular shelves emphasize the importance of circle learning and sharing, and the upholstery fabric was designed by Jennifer Lamont, a Métis artist and Wilson School of Design Graduate. 

There is currently an exhibit viewable at χʷəχʷéy̓əm, called Present Traditions, which features contemporary Indigenous apparel. The KPU community, its students, staff, faculty and community members, are welcome to come visit the space and display. 

Read more at KPU's news release, New Indigenous resource space at KPU Surrey library hosts contemporary apparel display

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