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KPU Library: KPU Library News

Current news and events for KPU Library

Library Catalogue and My Library Account unavailable March 18

by Alison Horne on March 12th, 2025 | 0 Comments

Enterprise, the Library catalogue, will have a patch installed on March 18 at 7:00am. The patch will increase security and there will be no significant changes to how Enterprise looks and works.

The catalogue, My Library Account, and the ability to place holds, will be unavailable for 2 to 6 hours. Workflows, Summon, and our databases will not be affected during this time. If you would like to search, please use Summon during this time.

Questions? Ask Us using any of our remote contact options or in-person at our service desks.


INFINITE VEGETABLE HACK! Kwantlen Seed Library Pop Up

by Alison Horne on March 7th, 2025 | 0 Comments

INFINITE VEGETABLE HACK! Use this one weird trick to get veggies, fruits, and herbs for life

Growing your own food plants and saving the seed to reuse year after year is the original infinite loot hack!

'Seed libraries' have sprung up all over the world to grow and connect the community of gardeners and seed-savers. Seed libraries let you "borrow" seeds for free, asking only that at the end of the season, if your plants grew successfully, you save some seed and return it to the library to replenish its collection.

The Kwantlen Seed Library lives at at KPU Langley, but it's taking the show on the road to Surrey (March 25) and Richmond (March 26) for Sustainable Development Goals Month! Come by the campus library between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to check out the seeds, meet our seed-obsessed librarians, and get lots more info about growing your own food.




March 25, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Surrey Library, near the Research Help Desk


March 26, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Richmond Library

APA Citation Tip: How to Cite Moodle Materials

by Alison Horne on March 7th, 2025 | 0 Comments

APA Citation Tip graphic saying How do I cite sources from Moodle?

When citing sources from your Moodle course site, you need to ask:

  • Was the material created by someone else, and your instructor is only posting it or linking to it?
  • Was the material created by your instructor?

If the material was created by someone else and is simply reposted, you would:

  • Cite it like you normally would, for example if it’s an article from a journal, do a normal journal article citation.

If the material was created by your instructor, use the following template to cite it:

Author, A. (year). Title of work [And description of form, if needed] OR [Description of work in brackets if no title is available]. Moodle. URL for                 sign-in page (or a full URL if your instructor wants you to use this)


      Adler, N. (2025). Indigenous short stories from Turtle Island [PowerPoint slides]. Moodle.

For more information, check out our APA online guide.

My Library Account unavailable on March 8, 6:00 - 10:00 pm

by Alison Horne on March 6th, 2025 | 0 Comments

On March 8 from 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm, our library systems are undergoing maintenance. During this time you will not be able to view or access My Library Account or place holds in the Library catalogue. 

We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Questions? Ask Us using any of our remote contact options or in-person at our service desks.


Langley Library Construction March 11-14

by Alison Horne on March 5th, 2025 | 0 Comments

Langley Library will be undergoing construction from March 11-14. You will not be able to access the back half of the library during this time and there will be additional noise in the library. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work to improve our furniture and spaces.

If you have any questions, please ask us.  

Climate+ Challenge Book Club: Orbital

by Alison Horne on March 4th, 2025 | 0 Comments

The KPU Climate+ Challenge and KPU Library invite you to join us for a virtual book club where we will be discussing Orbital, by Samantha Harvey. Orbital is a short novel following one day in the lives of six astronauts traveling through space on a space station mission. The astronauts are from the USA, Russia, Italy, Britain and Japan. Orbital won the Booker Prize and the Hawthornden Prize and was shortlisted for The Orwell Prize for Political Fiction and the Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for fiction.

British author Samantha Harvey has written five novels and one work of non-fiction. Her work has been longlisted for the Booker Prize and the Women’s Prize.

KPU Library has a limited number of copies available:

Print copies

Ebook edition

Our March 19 online discussion will be facilitated by KPU Journalism Instructor and former Vancouver Sun books editor Tracy Sherlock. If you have any questions, Ask Us or email Tracy Sherlock at


March 19, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Meeting and Registration link: 

Cover of Orbital. A colourful swirl of celestial bodies in space

Freedom to Read Week

by Alison Horne on February 27th, 2025 | 0 Comments

A bee in front of the words Freedom to Read Week with a blue backgroundIts Freedom to Read Week! Freedom to Read Week is an annual event to promote intellectual freedom and fight censorship in Canada. 

KPU Library aims to uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and promote equitable access to information. 

To learn more about why libraries and other institutions, such as schools, face censorship challenges, please read this article by Freedom to Read.

To read more about the event and for information on how to search KPU Library for resources about censorship, intellectual freedom, banned books, and more, please visit our Censorship guide

Check My Library Account before Registration

by Alison Horne on February 26th, 2025 | 0 Comments

Registration begins March 17.

Unpaid library fines and or overdue material can interfere with registering and withdrawing from courses. It may result in the withholding of transcripts, diplomas, certificates or citations and loss of Library privileges.

Please check My Library Account to ensure a trouble free registration.

If you have any questions contact us via the Borrowing and Fines Questions form available on the Library webpage under Borrowing

Questions? Ask Us using any of our remote contact options or in-person at our service desks.


February Featured Equipment of the Month: Event Accessories

by Alison Horne on February 21st, 2025 | 0 Comments

portable power station, two way radios, tally counter and megaphone on a white backgroundEvent Accessories are available to Borrow!

Are you planning an event? KPU Library has equipment available to help your event run smoothly. Some available items include a megaphone, two way radios, tally counters, and portable power stations. 

Contact us about availability. Please note that availability and models may vary between campuses.

See the following for further information:

Click here to view the full list of our Event, Meeting and Presentation aids.

To view other equipment available to borrow, please visit our Guide.


Braille printer at KPU Library

by Kelsey Chaban on February 8th, 2025 | 0 Comments

KPU Library is pleased to announce that a Braille embosser is available to print documents in Braille at Surrey Campus Library. 

The purpose of this service is to provide access and equity in printing for library users who wish to print documents in Braille. Like our other printers on campus, this embosser supports printing within Fair Dealing and personal documents. Visit Permitted Printing | KPU Library to learn more about what can be printed using our Braille embosser.

Printing is priced per page (0.25/page), and first-time users are encouraged book an appointment to be oriented to the printer and its use. Due to the uniqueness of this service, we also suggest users book an appointment for subsequent use so there is a staff member available for orientation and troubleshooting.  

Want to learn more? Visit Braille Printing | Kwantlen Polytechnic University Library.

We invite KPU employees, students and members of the community to visit the library and check out this exciting new service! Check out our library events calendar for drop-in sessions, or email to make an appointment.

Questions? Ask Us using any of our remote contact options or in-person at our service desks or email


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