Academic Integrity, or the maintenance of the highest ethical standards, is central to any research and scholarship at KPU. Instructors and students alike are expected to adhere to these standards, which include: honesty, trust, fairness, responsibility, respect for others and their work.
Everyone working or studying at KPU is an ambassador of the institution. It is our joint responsibility to uphold the good reputation of the University and to protect the value and legitimacy of all scholarly publications and of the credentials that are awarded.
As students you are expected to do honest work, and in turn you can expect honest feedback on the work you did.
If you do your work dishonestly, for example having someone do the work for you, you seemingly gain a short-term advantage, like a better grade on a test or paper, but in the long run you are really cheating yourself.
Why? Because you rob yourself of the opportunity to become aware of and work on your strengths and weaknesses, to develop valuable lifelong skills (such as analytical reading, critical thinking, and powerful writing skills), to increase your confidence in your abilities, and to graduate with credentials you truly deserve.
Adhering to academic integrity standards will help you become an ethical professional and to grow as a person of integrity in all aspects of life.