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Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

Course Information

Why is there a NEW tutorial and who created it?

The previous tutorial was used from 2020-2023, and it was time to update the content. The NEW tutorial was created collaboratively between the Academic Integrity Unit and the Library. It replaces KPU's Academic Integrity Tutorial that was actively used from 2020-2023. For more information go here:


Is the NEW tutorial different from the previous one?

Yes, it is very different, both in scope and depth. While the previous tutorial contained parts on writing and citing, the NEW tutorial focuses solely on Academic Integrity. Topics covered are: 

  1. What academic integrity means at KPU 
  2. Why academic integrity is important 
  3. The most common examples of academic misconduct 
  4. What happens if you are involved in academic misconduct 
  5. Why people might engage in academic misconduct 
  6. Strategies and resources to help you uphold academic integrity

Students can learn about writing with integrity through workshops offered by the Learning Centre, and about citing by working through the APA Citation, MLA Citation, or Chicago Citation Style pressbooks, attending citation workshops at the library or making an appointment with the Academic Integrity Librarian


How does the NEW  Academic Integrity badge look like?

Upon successful completion of the tutorial, you will be awarded a digital badge that will be displayed on your Moodle profile. The badge serves as proof of completion. This is what the NEW digital badge will look like this: 



What if I have issues with the digital badge?

If you have successfully completed the tutorial, but have not been awarded a badge after 30 minutes, please send an email to:


How do I access the NEW course?

To access this NEW Academic Integrity tutorial, you will need to enrol through Moodle. There is no cost to take this tutorial and it is open to all KPU students.



Information relating to the OLD Academic Integrity tutorial

How did the OLD Academic Integrity badge look like? If you completed the Academic Integrity tutorial prior to September 2023, you would have been awarded a digital badge upon successful completion that looked like this: 



How can I see my OLD badge? You should see your old badge under your "Profile" when you are logged into one of your Moodle courses. Here are step-by-step instructions:


What if my OLD badge doesn't show in Moodle?  If you successfully completed the OLD tutorial but the above badge icon does not show in your Moodle profile, it may be hidden. Follow these instructions to unhide it. If you still cannot see the OLD badge, please send an email to: 


Is the Academic Integrity Pressbook stll available as an independent source?

Yes, it is. Just follow this link: Academic Integrity Pressbook