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ARTS 1100 (2019-Summer: Fear)

Finding Books (and Videos) in the KPU Library about Fear

Search our Library catalogue for books, e-books, and videos (this search does NOT include journal articles):

If you are not sure if your book is scholarly ("academic"), look for the following features:

Who is the author?

  • holds an advanced degree in the subject covered by the book?
  • professional or researcher in the field?
  • is the author affiliated with a university / professional organization?


  • original research
  • literature review
  • advances research in discipline

Cited Sources?

  • bibliography / extensive notes
  • cites other scholarly sources
  • has an index


  • university press
  • scholarly publisher


  • uses terminology of the discipline
  • is written for other scholars / students
With thanks to Sigrid Kargut (KPU Librarian for English Language Studies) for permission to re-use this page.
The KPU Library  has a limited collection of fiction books: mostly those that are studied in university courses. Your local public library will have many more.


There are a couple of ways you could try to identify fiction (a novel or short story) that focuses on a particular subject, such as fear.

Strategy 1. Search directly for fiction or poetry using a library catalogue or other search tool
  • Search in a library catalogue:

Search BC public and postsecondary libraries using Illume Catalogue (formerly called Outlook Online):


  • works best for novels, and poetry or short story collections; individual short stories and poems are not usually listed in library catalogues.
  • include the word FICTION or POETRY as a SUBJECT TERM in your search.
  • remove children's books from your search results (if you wish). Each library catalogue has different filters to do this. If you are searching in a specific library's catalogue and don't see this filter, include the words NOT JUVENILE in your search.
  • NoveList: (NOT available through KPU Library)

    This database that lets you look for novels on a particular theme. It is available through many public libraries, including Surrey Public Library, Fraser Valley Regional Library, and Vancouver Public Library. You will need your public library card to access this database.

  • GoodReads

    This is a user-created database of book recommendations. Includes all types of books, not just fiction. You can search by keyword (e.g. AGORAPHOBIA), but cannot then limit to only fiction.

Strategy 2. Search for criticism of the fiction (which will then lead you to the name of a novel or short story)

These databases may help you to find articles and book chapters which have been written ABOUT a particular novel, poem, or short story. If you wanted to read the original work, you would need to look for it in a library catalogue.

A selection of books