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Research, Scholarship & Publishing at KPU

APC Discount Agreements

KPU has agreements with several publishers that allow KPU authors to publish in Open Access journals for free, or to receive a discount on the Article Processing Fee.

All of our licenses that have APC discounts/waivers are through the consortium Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN). We participate in these licenses:

Cambridge University Press: No APCs

Elsevier ScienceDirect: 20% discount on APCs for most hybrid and gold OA journals

SAGE: No APCs for “SAGE Choice” journals; 40% discount for most gold OA journals.

Taylor & Francis: 25% discount on APCs in T&F Open Select hybrid journals.

Wiley: No APCs when publishing primary research or a review article in Wiley's Hybrid journals

You will find details for these agreements below.

If you require any help with the agreements or have any other OA publishing questions, please contact the Scholarly Communication Librarian, Karen Meijer, at

Cambridge University Press

As of January 1, 2022, corresponding authors affiliated with an institution participating in the license agreement will be able to publish an unlimited number of their articles as open access in all Cambridge hybrid and gold journals for the duration of the agreement (2022-2024). No article processing charges (APC) fees will be levied for open access publication.

Cambridge uses an automated system, RightsLink, to associate authors with their affiliated institutions. Authors are encouraged to also use an email with an institutional domain to facilitate the identification of eligible articles. Please review the step by step guide to OA publishing for authors:

You can find Cambridge University Press journals here: 

Elsevier ScienceDirect

Authors affiliated with an institution participating in the CRKN agreement are eligible to receive a 20% discount on the article processing charge (APC) for most Elsevier Hybrid and Gold Open Access journals.

Authors must indicate their institutional affiliation upon submitting their manuscript in order to benefit from the discount. Please review the Author Workflow:

Several journals are excluded from the discount, such as Cell Press, Lancet, and some other society owned journals. To view a list of included and excluded titles in this agreement, please see:

You can find Elsevier journals here:


As of January 1, 2021, authors affiliated with an institution participating in the CRKN agreement will be able to publish an unlimited number of their articles as open access in SAGE Choice hybrid journals for the duration of the agreement (2021-2023). No article processing charges (APC) fees will be levied for open access publication in eligible hybrid journals. Authors are also eligible to receive a 40% discount on the APC for most gold open access journals.

SAGE Open Access Portal (SOAP) is a centralized portal that automates SAGE's open access publication process. The following steps briefly outline the manuscript submission process. Please consult the user guide which outlines the author’s workflow and the article acceptance process.

  1. Authors must indicate their institution affiliation upon manuscript submission. Authors are encouraged to also use an email with an institutional domain to facilitate the identification of eligible articles.
  2. Once an article is accepted, the author will receive an email notification if their article is eligible under the terms of this agreement. For articles accepted in gold open access journals, the APC discount is automatically applied upon acceptance of manuscript.
  3. Authors can accept or decline to publish their article open access from within the SAGE Open Access Portal (SOAP). If an author declines to publish in open access, their article will be published via the subscription route.
  4. Authors can also select their copyright license and assign a payer (i.e. funding agency, institution, or a different bill payer), and make the APC payment from within the Portal.

Click here to view the list of journals not eligible for an APC discount.

You will be able to find SAGE journals here:

Taylor & Francis

Authors affiliated with an institution participating in the CRKN agreement are eligible to receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge (APC) in T&F Open Select hybrid journals.

Authors should select the Open Access Publishing option when submitting an article. When the APC quote is generated, authors should select their affiliated institution from the drop-down menu. The APC discount will be automatically applied. Authors can select a Creative Commons license once they have accepted the APC quote. Visit Taylor & Francis' website for further details on the process

You can find T&F journals here: 


From January 1, 2023, authors affiliated with CRKN institutions in Canada that are participating in Wiley's agreement with CRKN may publish in Wiley's hybrid journals (subscription-based journals which offer an open access option), with no transactional Article Publication Charges (APCs).

To be eligible:

  • The corresponding author must be currently affiliated with an eligible CRKN member institution at the point of acceptance. Authors should select the institution to which they are currently affiliated. Authors without a current affiliation to an eligible institution are not eligible to publish open access under this agreement.
  • Corresponding authors should use an institutional email address for a CRKN member institution when submitting their article. You may need to update your Wiley profile to do so.
  • Corresponding authors should not use a personal email addresses (e.g. Hotmail, Gmail). Doing so may result in delayed approval or rejection of the open access APC coverage request under the terms of the agreement.
  • You must publish open access in a hybrid (subscription) journal that offers open access. Articles published in Wiley and Hindawi fully gold open access journals are not eligible.
  • Your article must be primary research or a review article. Refer to the full list of article classifications and their eligibility for open access APC coverage under the agreement.
  • You must order hybrid open access by using our order workflow as described below.
  • Your manuscript must have been accepted on or after 1 January 2023
  • This agreement cannot be used to cover additional charges (e.g. color or page charges), which individual journals may administer separately.

You will find more information here: