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Allison Richardson

Electronic Resources and Music Librarian
Profile Photo
Allison Richardson
E-Resources and Music Librarian

MLIS, University of British Columbia
BA, University of British Columbia
Diploma of Music, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Allison is responsible for managing the library's subscription e-resources including trials, licensing, and evaluation. As the Music Librarian, she is responsible for the Library's music resources as well as teaching library skills classes to music students.

Professional and Scholarly Interests
• License negotiations
• Usage statistics analysis
• Library support of open access publishing models
• Music librarianship
• Library advocacy for climate justice

My Guides

Ebooks at KPU Library
Last update: May 22, 2024 931 views
Last update: Oct 31, 2023 613 views
Last update: Apr 18, 2024 280 views

My Subject Specialties
