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Rachel Chong

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Rachel Chong
Surrey Campus
At KPU we work, study, and live in a region south of the Stó:lō (Fraser) River which overlaps with the unceded traditional and ancestral lands of the Kwantlen, Musqueam, Katzie, Semiahmoo, Tsawwassen, Qayqayt and Kwikwetlem peoples.

I am of Metis-settler decent. My maternal grandfather is Metis from the Red River Settlement in what is now known as St. Boniface, Manitoba. I am grateful to have been born and raised on Coast Salish lands where I continue to work, live, and learn.

Preferred pronouns: She, her, hers.

MLIS, First Nations Curriculum Concentration, University of British Columbia
BA, Simon Fraser University

Professional & Scholarly Interests:
• Indigenous information literacy
• Indigenous research methods
• Language revitalization

Personal Interests:
• Beading
• Ethnobotany
• Indigenous children’s literature

Select Publications & Presentations:

My Guides

Last update: Apr 18, 2024 392 views

My Subject Specialties
