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Graduate Nurse Internationally Educated

Graduate nurses who have been internationally educated are prepared, at KPU, for success practicing as nurses in Canada.

Best Bet: KPU Library's APA Citation Style Guide

This guide includes examples, explanations, videos and exercises as well as links to checklists and templates.

Use the tabs along the top of the guide to maneuver to different pages of information.

Go to KPU Library's APA Citation Style Guide

This is a pdf of the Library's popular APA handout available in print at the Library.

This handout simply provides a very brief overview of the APA citation format with examples of most common types of items cited by students.

Go to the Library's APA Quickguide

This website is published and maintained by the creators of the APA citation style. There are great topic pages, handouts, videos and tutorials & a blog with answers to commonly asked questions. 

Go to the APA Style website

Top Picks from this website:

Citing the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

See below examples of how to cite

  • the entire DSM
  • a specific entry/section within the DSM-5 TR (in this case, the Anxiety Disorders section)

If you are citing the print book version of the DSM-5 TR, do not include the doi URL at the end.

If you are citing older print editions of the DSM, this page of the APA Style Blog has APA citation examples for those:


Screenshot showing correctly formatted APA citations for information from the DSM


Citing a psychological test, survey or measure

The example below in red text is a hypothetical test taken from the PsycTests database.

screenshot of a table showing the elements included in the APA citation for a psychology test

You can find more details in section 10.11 Tests, Scales and Inventories in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.


Citing drug information from the CPS database

Because CPS is both a database and a reference work, there are two ways you can choose to cite articles retrieved from CPS using the APA citation style. We recommend citing the information as an article from a database; this approach is more straight forward and would cover any content from the database - not just drug monographs.

Reference Format: Author. (year, Month date). Title of the entry. Database Name. Retrieved Month date, year from URL of the database homepage

Reference Example: Canadian Pharmacists Association. (2020, May 5). Viagra. CPS database. Retrieved May 14, 2023 from

In Text Citation Example: (Canadian Pharmacists Association, 2020).


Citing a Statistics Canada document

screenshot showing examples of correctly formatted APA citations of Statistics Canada documents and data

The examples above are copied directly from the How to Cite Statistics Canada Products page of the Stats Can website. Consult the Tables & Figures page of the Library's APA guide for additional information about how to format those kinds of items in your paper.

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Drag & Drop APA Sort Exercise

In Psychology, you will find that most class assignments involving information research will require you to find and cite peer-reviewed or scholarly articles.

Most databases and search tools will generate a citation to cut and paste into your assignment. But you always want to double check the accuracy of any computer generated citation before handing your assignment in.

Think you already know what a correctly cited article looks like?

Test your knowledge by rearranging the correctly formatted APA article citation parts below. Use the arrows to move the components, you can check and retry the ordering as many times as you like.

Getting stuck? The handout below from the APA Style website describes how to format different information sources in APA format - the first page of the handout illustrates an article citation.