For all items that were created and posted to Moodle by your instructor, use the following template:
Author, A.A. (Date). Title of work [Description]. Moodle. https://xxxxx
PowerPoint slides
Video by Instructor
Handout created and posted by Instructor
In text citation: (Daniels et al., n.d.) ... (Marom, 2020) ... Pederson (2015) notes ...
Note: if quoting also include a locator if possible, for example a time stamp or slide number: (Daniels et al., n.d., slide 5) ... (Marom, 3:50)
APA does not give specific examples for these. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR INSTRUCTORS ON THEIR PREFERENCE FOR CITING THESE MATERIALS. We suggest the following format for handouts:
If the material posted on Moodle is reproduced without any changes and its source is clear, cite that source directly. For example, if a journal article is posted, cite it like a regular journal article; do not explain in the reference that it was reproduced in Moodle.
For all other sources, follow the format found here and in Section 10.14 (Example 102) for classroom website sources:
That is, the general format will be as follows:
Author, A. (year). Title of work [And description of form, if needed] OR [Description of work in brackets if no title, even one written in by the instructor, is available]. Moodle. URL for sign-in page or a full URL if it will work for the instructor and other students
When reference information is missing, follow the guidance available here:
So, for example, if the author is not known, the title or description would move to the author position of the reference.
Materials in course packs that are reproduced from another widely available source without any changes should be cited directly. For example, if a journal article is reproduced in a course pack, cite the journal article like a regular journal article; do not explain in the reference that it was reproduced in a course pack. Otherwise, treat the material as an item in an anthology, with the instructor as the editor. If the instructor is also the author of the individual item in the course pack, they will be both in the author and editor position.