Several of our databases come with citation tools that format article citations in several different styles. Look for the CITE or EXPORT function next to the article record to create a citation for your reference list. Use these shortcuts with caution as they rarely give perfect citations. It is up to YOU to review your results for accuracy. Refer to our handouts, our Citation Style Subject Guides, or to the appropriate style manual to determine if your citations are correct.
Google Scholar now has a CITE feature that formats article citations in several different styles. Use this feature with caution as it does not necessarily produce a perfect citation. It is up to YOU to review the citation for accuracy. Refer to our handouts, our Citation Style Subject Guides, or to the appropriate style manual to determine if your citations are correct. Here is a sample article found in Google Scholar:
The Google Scholar Cite feature created these citations:
Ma, Sihui, et al. "Improved Academic performance and student perceptions of learning through use of a cell phone‐based personal response system." Journal of Food Science Education 17.1 (2018): 27-32.
Issues: capitalization incorrect; vol/no/pp missing; doi missing.
Ma, S., Steger, D. G., Doolittle, P. E., & Stewart, A. C. (2018). Improved Academic performance and student perceptions of learning through use of a cell phone‐based personal response system. Journal of Food Science Education, 17(1), 27-32.
Issues: capitalization incorrect; doi missing
Ma, Sihui, Daniel G. Steger, Peter E. Doolittle, and Amanda C. Stewart. "Improved Academic performance and student perceptions of learning through use of a cell phone‐based personal response system." Journal of Food Science Education 17, no. 1 (2018): 27-32.
Issues: capitalization incorrect; doi missing
Citation generators can be helpful to create entries for your reference list (also called works cited list or bibliography).
However, no matter which citation generator you use, none of them is perfect, and it is up to YOU to review your results for accuracy. Refer to our handouts, our Citation Style Subject Guides, or to the appropriate style manual to determine if your citations are correct.
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