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Kwantlen Seed Library

A shareable collection of locally grown, open-source seeds available to all members of the Kwantlen community.

Borrowing from the Library

Borrowing from the Seed Library is free and easy, and open to all members of the public, but you will need a KPU library card. Don't have one? See the Community Borrower information below.

Once you have made your selections, we ask that you complete the simple Borrowing/Sign-out sheet located near the seed drawers. Then, proceed to the service counter with your KPU card and staff will complete the borrowing process.

Don't have a KPU Community Borrower's card? Ask at the service counter.

Seeds in the collection are arranged from "easy" to "difficult" depending on the ease with which seeds can be grown out and remain "true" to the parent plant. It does NOT refer to the level of difficulty in growing the plant.

If you are new to seed-saving, we recommend starting with the "easy" seeds first.

For more information on selecting plants for seed saving, please check Kwantlen Library's collection, or the books listed on the Books on Seed Saving page of this guide.


Community Borrowers

We offer the following services to holders of our Community Borrower card:

  • Community members may borrow up to five general collection items at a time.
  • Loan period is three weeks with the possibility of one renewal if the item has not been requested by another patron.
  • Journals, videos/dvds and reference books cannot be borrowed but can be used in the Library.
  • On-campus access to research databases.

Getting your card takes only a few minutes; you MUST bring with you a piece of photo identification AND proof of current address.

Click here for further details on how to obtain a community borrower card.