To help locate books in a particular subject, the following LOC sections will help you find books on the shelves.
NC1765-1766 Animation history and techniques
TR800 Animation (Cinematography)
PN1995 Animated Films
NC780 Animal anatomy
NC1002 Storyboarding
NC1765 Storytelling
PN1995.9 Storyboarding
TR897 Animation
TR897.7 Facial animation/modeling
animation image by @danpetrov from Unsplash
An animation industry site with articles, forums, resource links, and more.
A place built and contributed to by the animation community and allows ease of access to useful assets and resources such as links to forums, communities, competitions, rigs, tools and places to submit work.
Large compilation of animated film information -Find information on TV series episode guides, cast and crew information, and animated film lists with online pictures and videos.
A comprehensive animation news site.
A collaborative database of audio samples that are free to use and remix.
Internet Archive: Animation and Cartoons
A collection of freely available animated films, from classic cartoons to computer animation and beyond.
The animation collection of Videoart, an international network for video artists and experimental filmmakers.
Vimeo is a popular platform for animators to share and discover work - Find animation craft, style, and character design videos.
Streaming Videos from KPU:
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Library databases are online resources you can search to find reliable information from trusted sources. Find journal articles that touch on topics such as: animations & animated films, culture explorations, animation techniques & tools, and more.
Off campus access restricted to current KPU students and employees.